Pic 1
This was meant to graduate from light to dark according to the bottles. I used 3 untrieds so I didn't know what to expect. It didn't turn out as a seamless and measured transition along the spectrum as planned but I like it anyway. The pink and taupe was lovely but I needed a bit more oomph.
Little Milani Totally Cool 3 coats essential and it's still streaky now I look it over, it's inky but it is as described - totally COOL
Ring NYX Purple Dream 3 coats essential, lovely blue flash, sort-of duochrome, and still a bit streaky in some lights
Middle OPI A Grape Fit 3 coats but 2 would do
Index Butter London Scoundrel 2 coats - the pick of the bunch formula-wise, very like the OPI but more greyed-out, I do like Butter
Thumb Barry M Berry Ice-cream 3 coats but 2 might just be OK
All with base and top coats
I had to over-expose this to get anywhere near the actual colour
Sorry for my teeny child-hands. They are so small that I wear child's gloves. Pretty they are not.
This is called npUK, yes?
I do try to support local manufacturing wherever possible hence the name. Carbon footprint and work for local people. They can be Polish local people. They have kids and send their kids to school so they're local. And that keeps me in a job! Same goes for anyone else who wants to live and work here.
Barry M is British - got this from the website
Butter London isn't as far as I know, I'm sure I read it somewhere - a brilliant bargain from ebay - 3 fullsize polishes for £15!!
The OPI - can't remember how I got this, I DO know I didn't close it correctly and it has begun to thicken, I love this so why did I DO that???
NYX - got this from fragrancedirect - they currently have loads of NYX £2.99
Milani - think that was cherryculture before they raised their postage costs
To readers not from the UK: An APOLOGY
It's election-time here so politics is preoccupying me. Hence my attempt to ensure I am not tarred with the filthy brush of racism etc.
To readers FROM here: No apology
You know the way it works even if you are throughly p1$$ed off with the whole thing...